Jan Fischer's Homepage - IJVR 2008 Paper Details

 Stylized Depiction in Mixed Reality


The combination of real video images and virtual graphical objects is a basic principle in many computer graphics applications. In recent years, mixed reality has become a widespread technique for superimposing registered three-dimensional models on the real world. Whereas most mixed reality applications use conventional photorealistic rendering methods for overlaying their graphical content, alternative display methods are being developed. We discuss the use of artistic and illustrative rendering techniques for combined real-virtual environments. This concept has a dual purpose. Depending on the type of stylization used, a novel user experience can be created. For instance, the use of a technical illustration style can provide a more appropriate and useful display in a technical design application. Moreover, since the difference in visual realism between real and virtual scene elements is reduced, the environment can become more immersive for the user. In this article, we give a survey of methods for the artistic depiction of combined real-virtual environments and discuss potential applications.


   AUTHOR = {J. Fischer and M. Haller and B. Thomas},
   TITLE = {{Stylized Depiction in Mixed Reality}},
   JOURNAL = {{International Journal of Virtual Reality}},
   VOLUME = {7},
   NUMBER = {4},
   PAGES = {71--79},
   MONTH = {December},
   YEAR = {2008}


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